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The Basics of Balance

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Balance is not about trying to do everything perfectly or achieving a certain standard. It's about finding an everyday rhythm that works for you and helps you stay centered and fulfilled.

The concept of balance has been around since ancient times and is still relevant today.

Finding balance is a topic that ranges from all schools of thought including and not limited to Hermetic Principles, Mythology, Philosophy, Psychology, Education, and Spirituality.

According to the Hermetic Principles and the Universal law of Polarity balance is established between two extreme opposites. Today the specific principles relating to balance can be found in the Kybalion.

The idea of finding balance also is depicted in Mythology with the Tale of Deadalus and Icarus. Where the concept of "flying the middle course" is expressed. In the story, not adhering to the idea of balance or "the middle course", results in tragedy.

Similarly, in ancient Philosophy the theme of balance was prominent. Many philosophers went into detail about the importance of achieving balance in the world and within one's life.

For instance, Aristotle believed that balance involved finding the "golden mean" between extremes.

An example of this balance would be courage. Which is the golden mean between cowardice and recklessness. According to his philosophy, finding balance between extremes, allows us to live a virtuous and fulfilling life.

As for Spirituality, finding balance involves connecting with a higher power or purpose. Along with cultivating inner peace and harmony.

Many spiritual traditions teach that balance is essential for living a fulfilling life, and that it involves integrating different aspects of our being, such as the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Here are a few examples of how spirituality can be part of finding balance:

1. Mindfulness and meditation: Mindfulness and meditation practices can help you connect with your inner-self and the present moment, bringing a sense of calm and balance.

2. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude can help you develop a positive outlook and focus on what you have, rather than what you lack This can help you feel more balanced and content.

3. Service: Serving others can help you connect with a sense of purpose and contribute to something larger than yourself. This can help you find balance by focusing on something outside of your own needs and desires.

4.Connection with nature: Spending time in nature can help you connect with a sense of awe and wonder, allowing you to have a deeper appreciation for life. This can help you feel more balanced and grounded.

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