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Intuition and Truth

Updated: Jan 13

Love at first sight, finishing a friend's sentence, and getting an urge to call a family member only to find out that they are going through a hard time are all examples of intuitive experiences. All of which reveal immediate nudges of deep knowing and truth.

Following our own truth is an important step in developing and using our intuition. Using our intuition helps us find truths without using our conscious reasoning and problem-solving skills. Allowing us to make valid decisions based on our senses and immediate physiological responses.

Sometimes it comes down to us just "knowing" what's right for us, at the right time and in the right situation.

The concept of intuition has been the subject of many studies and the topic of different disciplines throughout time.

Below are the 5 distinct categories of religion, philosophy, psychological theories, scientific viewpoints, and ancient wisdom as they relate to intuition.

Each tradition offers unique insights about intuition and the role of intuition in discerning truth.



Believers attribute intuitive insights to guidance from the Holy Spirit or divine inspiration. Truth is seen as aligning with the teachings of the Bible.


Intuition is associated with fitrah, the natural disposition or innate knowledge that we possess. Truth is considered to be found in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.


The concept of "dharma" (righteous duty) is central, and believers rely on their intuition to navigate moral choices. Truth is seen as multifaceted, with different paths leading to it.


Mindfulness and awareness are emphasized, which is linked to a heightened sense of intuition. The pursuit of truth in Buddhism involves understanding the nature of suffering and the path to enlightenment through practices such as meditation.


Intuitive insights are linked to divine inspiration or the guidance of God. The Torah, the central religious text, is considered a source of truth, and adherence to its teachings is a pathway to living a righteous life.



Intuition is the ability to understand abstract truths and forms beyond the material world. Philosophers, according to Plato, access truth through intellectual intuition.


Intuition is seen as part of living an authentic existence and make meaningful choices. Truth, in existentialism, is subjective and created through individual experiences.


With a focus on the overall best interests for All, intuition is considered in the context of understanding consequences and determining what actions lead to the greatest overall good.

Psychological Beliefs

Psychoanalysis (Freud)

Intuition is seen as being influenced by the unconscious mind. Insights and feelings emerging from the unconscious shape perceptions of truth. Psychoanalysis aims to bring these aspects into conscious awareness.

Cognitive Psychology

Intuition is explained as a result of mental shortcuts and heuristics. Intuitive judgments are believed to be quick and automatic, influenced by cognitive processes that evolved for efficiency.

Scientific Views

Empirical Science

Intuition plays a role in formulating hypotheses, in the scientific method which emphasizes empirical testing and validation to establish truth.

Quantum Mechanics

Intuition can play a role in quantum phenomena, although scientific consensus is still evolving. This means thinking, beliefs, and intuitive insights can help shape the physical world.

Ancient Beliefs

Ancient Greek Philosophy (Aristotle):

An emphasis is placed on practical wisdom (phronesis) as a form of intuitive reasoning that guides ethical decision-making. Intuition, in this context, involves innate wisdom relating to a specific situation.


Intuition is part of the process of aligning with the natural flow of the Tao. Truth is found in harmony with the Tao, and practitioners are encouraged to develop intuitive awareness to navigate the complexities of life.

Ancient Egyptian Religion:

Intuition is associated with the guidance of deities or spiritual forces. Truth, symbolized by Ma'at, represents cosmic order and balance.

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