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Closed Cycles: The Bad and the Beautiful

Updated: Aug 17

Closing cycles in our life begins to reshape our entire life.

It's a natural part of our life journeys, impacting each of us differently. Some of us close just a few smaller cycles, while others are called to close multiple cycles of various kinds.

So what is a cycle and how do we close them?
A cycle is a repeating pattern or stage of life that we go through, like a phase that keeps coming back until it's resolved either on its own or by us intentionally doing so. We close a cycle by addressing and resolving the issues or lessons it brings, so that we can move forward without carrying the same baggage. Closing a cycle means finishing a chapter of our life, learning from it, and letting go so that we can start fresh and embrace new experiences.
What happens when we close cycles?
Closing cycles leads to positive changes in our lives including improved clarity, emotional healing, physical well-being, and spiritual growth. However, before we fully experience the positive effects of closing cycles, there are also challenges like emotional turmoil, identity crises, or strained relationships. Getting through these difficulties requires patience and self-compassion, so that we are able to fully embrace the benefits of closing cycles and creating a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Positive Effects of Closing Cycles
  • Clarity and Focus- We might experience a sense of resolution, freeing our mind from past burdens. This gives us room to focus more on current goals and pursue new opportunities with a clear, unburdened mind.
  • Improved Decision Making- With the lessons learned from closing a cycle, our decision making improves. We can approach life’s challenges with wisdom to avoid repeating the same mistakes and make choices that align with our higher purpose.
  • Healing and Vitality- When karmic cycles close, our physical body can undergo significant healing. Chronic stress, tension, and illnesses that were tied to unresolved issues may improve, leading us to experience increased energy. We have the opportunity to feel more in tune with our body, and our physical wellness often gets better as well as we adopt healthier habits.
  • Enhanced Wellbeing- A sense of peace and balance in our life can lead to better physical health. We might sleep better, have fewer physical ailments, and have more energy for activities we enjoy.
  • Emotional Stability- Emotionally, closing a karmic cycle can bring a deep sense of relief and stability. We may feel that a weight has been lifted, allowing for greater emotional resilience and the ability to manage stress more effectively.
  • Deeper Relationships- With emotional healing comes the ability to form deeper, more authentic relationships. We're able to connect with others without the baggage of past conflicts or relationships. This allows for our current relationships to become more loving, supportive, and fulfilling.
  • Spiritual Growth- Spiritually, closing a karmic cycle often results in growth and enlightenment. We may feel more connected to our higher self, experience a deeper sense of purpose, and find alignment with the universe or the Divine.
  • Increased Awareness- As we close karmic cycles, our spiritual awareness deepens. We are able to develop a stronger intuition, a clearer sense of our life’s path, and a connection to spiritual practices.
Impact on Others
  • Inspiration and Positive Influence- When we close a karmic cycle, our transformation can inspire those around us. Friends, family, and even colleagues may see the positive changes in us and be motivated to address their own challenges, leading to a ripple effect of healing and growth in our community.
  • Harmonious Relationships- As we resolve past issues and heal emotionally, our relationships with others improve. This can lead to more harmonious interactions, reduced conflict, and a more supportive environment for everyone involved.
Challenges of Closing Cycles
  • Identity Crisis- Sometimes, closing a karmic cycle can lead to an identity crisis. If we have defined ourselves by past struggles or roles, moving on might leave us feeling lost or uncertain about who we are or what comes next.
  • Cognitive Dissonance- Letting go of long held beliefs or behaviors can create mental conflict for us. It may be a struggle for us to adjust to a new way of thinking, which can cause confusion or temporary mental distress.
  • Physical Detox- The process of closing a karmic cycle can sometimes lead to physical symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches, or other detox-like effects. This can happen as the body releases stored stress or trauma, which can be uncomfortable temporarily.
  • Energy Shifts- Significant changes in life can bring shifts in our physical energy. We might feel drained or lethargic as we adjust to new ways of living, which can affect our ability to stay active and maintain routines.
  • Grief or Sadness- Even when closing a negative karmic cycle, we might experience grief or sadness over what’s been lost or changed. Letting go of familiar patterns, even unhealthy ones, can be extremely difficult for us to do.
  • Emotional Turmoil- The process of closure can sometimes stir up unresolved emotions, leading to temporary emotional turmoil. This might include feelings of anger, resentment, or sadness as we confront and release past issues.
  • Spiritual Void- After closing a karmic cycle, we may experience a spiritual void, where the familiar spiritual practices or beliefs we had no longer resonate, leaving us to search for new meaning and direction.
  • Dark Night of the Soul- We sometimes go through a “dark night of the soul” after closing a long-lasting cycle, where spiritual beliefs are questioned, and we go through a period of spiritual disconnection and despair before we reach a new level of understanding.
Impact on Others
  • Disruption of Relationships- As we close karmic cycles and grow, relationships with those who are not ready to change often become strained or even end. This can lead to feelings of loneliness or loss, as old connections no longer align with our new path.
  • Resistance from Others- People around us often resist the changes we're making, especially if our growth challenges their comfort zones. This resistance can manifest as conflict, criticism, or attempts to pull us back into old patterns.

Closing cycles is a process that touches every aspect of our lives—mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. By recognizing and resolving these recurring patterns, we create space for new growth and opportunities, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. However, the journey of closing cycles comes with challenges, including identity crises, emotional turmoil, and shifts in relationships. Navigating these challenges with patience and self-compassion allows us to fully embrace the positive changes that come from closing cycles. Ultimately, this process not only brings us personal growth, but it also inspires those around us, creating a ripple effect of healing and transformation in our communities. As we close each cycle, we move closer to living in alignment with our true selves and achieving a deeper sense of peace and purpose.
What do we call these cycles?
  • Transmutation – The alchemical process of transforming lower energies or unresolved issues into higher, purified states. (Occult)
  • Sanctification- The process of becoming holy or spiritually mature, which involves closing off old, sinful habits and transitioning into a life aligned with divine will. (Christianity)
  • Developmental Milestones- Specific stages of growth and development that indicate the completion of one phase and the transition to the next, particularly in child and adolescent development. (Psychology)
  • Returning to the Tao – The idea of returning to the natural order or the original state of balance and harmony. (Taoism)
  • Spiritual Enlightenment – Achieving a state of divine understanding, often seen as the completion of one’s earthly trials and spiritual growth. (Christian Mysticism)
  • Ascension – The process of raising one’s consciousness to a higher level, often associated with moving beyond past lessons or cycles. (New Age Spirituality)
  • Gestalt Closure- A concept from Gestalt psychology referring to the mind's tendency to seek completeness or wholeness in experiences, often by "closing" incomplete patterns or narratives. (Psychology)
  • Hijra- Although primarily known as the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, it also symbolizes a spiritual journey or transition in life, leaving behind old cycles for a new beginning. (Islam)
  • Homeostatic Reset- In physiological and psychological contexts, this term can refer to the body's or mind's return to a baseline or new stable state after closing a period of stress or change, effectively ending a cycle.
  • Farewell Bembé- This is a farewell ceremony or celebration held to honor and close a significant phase in one's spiritual journey, often involving dance, music, and offerings. (Santería)
  • Cognitive Reframing- A psychological technique that involves changing the way one perceives a situation or experience, allowing for the closure of negative patterns and the creation of new, more positive cycles. (Psychology)
  • Teshuvah (תשובה) – Literally meaning "return," Teshuvah is the process of repentance, where one seeks forgiveness and returns to a state of spiritual purity, closing a cycle of sin or wrongdoing. (Judaism)
  • Phase Transition- Borrowed from physics and systems theory, in a metaphorical sense, it can describe the transition from one stable state (or phase) to another, such as moving from one life stage to the next. (Science)
  • Samsara- The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Breaking free from this cycle (achieving Moksha) is the ultimate goal, symbolizing the closure of the life-death-rebirth cycle. (Hinduism)
  • Katabasis- A term for a journey to the underworld, often representing a hero’s journey or a significant life transition. Returning from such a journey symbolizes the closure of a crucial life stage. (Ancient Greek Religion)
  • Soul Retrieval- The process of recovering lost parts of the soul to achieve spiritual completeness and end a cycle of suffering. (Shamanic Traditions)
  • Baktun- A major unit of the Mayan Long Count calendar, representing a cycle of approximately 394 years. The end of a Baktun marks a significant transition and renewal period in the Mayan cosmology. (Mayan Religion)
  • Walking the Red Road – Living a life in balance and harmony with the Earth and all beings. (Native American Spirituality)
  • Achieving Harmony with the Ancestors- Resolving earthly duties and conflicts to reunite with the ancestors in the spiritual realm. (Yoruba Religion)
  • Returning to the Way – The idea of living in accordance with the principles of righteousness and propriety, leading to the completion of one’s moral and ethical duties. (Confucianism)
  • Tawa Jud: The Sufi practice of spiritual presence and awareness, which involves closing off worldly distractions and focusing on the divine, leading to a deepened state of spiritual awareness and unity with God. (Sufism-Islamic Mysticism)

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