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3 Steps to Start Healing

Healing is how we move beyond our past traumas and the lessons we've learned to creating the life we want.

The remarkable power of healing is personal for each of us. By tapping into our inner self and higher power we initiate our healing process, moving us closer to alignment with our own higher self; The person we are at our core. Who we were before and without life muddying us up, and who we are meant to be after healing.

The same way our healing process is based on who we individually and uniquely are, is the same way different belief systems offer us unique perspectives to use for our healing. Yet, as unique and different we are and beliefs are, there are still common ideas and practices found among them all. By learning how to integrate these similar practices of healing from different disciplines and beliefs into our daily activities, we begin on our own path towards healing.
So where do we start exactly and how do we heal when there's so much to learn and do?

If you've ever wondered where to begin or how to start on your own healing journey, there are three fundamental steps to follow when first starting out with using an interdisciplinary approach. The first step is becoming aware of karmic cycles. These can also be referred to as the cycles in our life that are meant to teach us lessons. Next is taking action to end those same karmic or more negative cycles. So that we can then we move into the next stage of our healing which is finding and understanding our prior patterns of thinking and behavior.

Step 1: Becoming Aware of Karmic Cycles/ Cycles for Learning Lessons

Buddhism stresses using mindfulness to develop an awareness of the consequences of our actions, so that we can begin to recognize the cycles that bind us and prevent our growth in order to take steps towards breaking free from them.

Psychoanalytic theory explores childhood trauma by taking a close look at our early childhood experiences and their impact on shaping our adult behavior and relationships. By exploring past traumas and their impact on our behavior, we become aware of karmic or negative patterns and can work towards healing and resolution.

Islam includes the concepts of "Tawbah" (repentance) and Taqwa (God-Consciousness). "Tawbah" (repentance) emphasizes the importance of recognizing and acknowledging our mistakes, sins, and shortcomings. "Taqwa" (God-consciousness or piety) involves being mindful of Allah's presence in all aspects of life and striving to live in accordance with Divine guidance and commandments. Through the practice of Tawbah and Taqwa, we can become aware of negative cycles in our lives, such as sinful behavior, harmful habits, or spiritual deficits.

Navajo tradition (Diné), has the concept of "hozho" which encapsulates the idea of harmony, balance, and beauty in life. Actions that disrupt this harmony can create disharmony or "hozho'ji" which is a form of negative karma. Becoming aware of our actions and their impact on the balance of life is essential for maintaining hozho and navigating the cycles of nature and life itself.

Ancient Egyptian beliefs include the practice of consulting with the Egyptian Book of the Dead for guidance on navigating the journey of the soul and understanding cyclical patterns. Maat is the central theme, representing truth, balance, order, and justice for the "weighing of the heart". This can be seen as a metaphor for the karmic evaluation of our actions. Showing us the importance of living a life of integrity and balance, and how our deeds create consequences that we must face, either in this life or the next.
Step 2: Taking Steps to End Karmic Cycles/ Learn the Lessons

Philosophical Perspective of Friedrich Nietzsche emphasizes the "Will to Power" and "Self-Overcoming" to bring conscious change as ways to break free from destructive cycles. Will to Power represents the drive within each of us to assert and enhance our own power, creativity, and life force. The will to power is part of our inner drive to overcome negative patterns and to assert our positive qualities and actions, to create a new path. Self-Overcoming means striving to move past our current state, limitations, and destructive habits. It aligns with the process of closing karmic cycles by confronting and transforming our negative patterns and actions that bring undesirable outcomes in one's life.

Neuroscientific research into neuroplasticity shows that the brain has the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout our life. This means that taking intentional actions like mindfulness, positive thinking, and new learning experiences can physically rewire the brain, helping us break habits and patterns. This process is a way to physiologically close karmic cycles using our mind, through the deliberate and positive actions we take in order to transform our own path and outcomes.

Christianity teaches seeking forgiveness and reconciliation to help break negative cycles, much like closing karmic cycles. Asking for forgiveness allows us to recognize and learn from our mistakes, while forgiving others and making amends heals relationships and stops us from repeating harmful patterns. Living according to Christian virtues and making intentional, positive changes align with the karmic idea of transforming our path through conscious actions. These practices lead to personal growth, peace, and a fulfilling life by resolving past wrongs and creating new, positive cycles.

Judaism teaches us that Teshuvah (repentance) and making amends are key to breaking negative patterns, similar to closing karmic cycles. Teshuvah involves reflecting on our past mistakes, sincerely repenting, and committing to positive change in our life. The practice of Tikkun Olam, or "repairing the world," through acts of kindness and charity, helps to create a positive impact and promote healing. These steps help us close negative cycles for a better future.

Energy Healing and Reiki involves releasing negative energy, which is essential for breaking free from harmful patterns, like closing karmic cycles. Reiki is a way for channeling positive energy to clear blockages and remove negative influences from our body and mind. By releasing this negative energy, we can heal emotionally and physically, stop repeating destructive behaviors, and restore balance in our lives. This practice aligns with the idea of closing karmic cycles by transforming and renewing our energy, leading to personal growth and well-being.

Step 3: Finding and Understanding Prior Patterns of Thinking and Behavior

Mayan beliefs of using the calendar and astrology can be used to understand cosmic influences on personal patterns and behaviors. This is done when we consult astrological charts or calendars to determine the positions of celestial bodies at specific times. Then analyzing how these alignments correlate with our own experiences or feelings.

Schema Therapy involves exploring our core beliefs and early maladaptive schemas. This relates to our healing by helping us identify and challenge some of our deep-seated negative thinking and behavioral patterns that formed in childhood. By recognizing and challenging these negative patterns, we can begin to heal from past traumas and develop healthier ways of thinking and behaving for our own personal growth and well-being.

Spiritual Inner Child Work involves connecting with and nurturing our inner child to heal past wounds and patterns, When we do this we are able to identify negative patterns of thought and behavior. This is achieved by creating a safe and compassionate space within ourselves to acknowledge and understand the emotions and experiences of our younger self. Through practices such as meditation, visualization, or journaling, individuals can access memories and emotions from childhood and provide the love, validation, and support that may have been lacking at that time.

Hermetic Principles like the "The Law of Rhythm" teaches us to recognize the cyclical nature of life and emotions, "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides." This understanding encourages us to embrace the natural ebb and flow of our existence, acknowledging that just as the tides rise and fall, our experiences and emotions follow similar patterns. By recognizing these rhythms, we can navigate life's ups and downs with greater awareness and acceptance, knowing that difficult times will pass, and that moments of joy and abundance will also return.

Christianity teaches identifying and overcoming sinful patterns through the practice of examining our conscience and seeking guidance through prayer and scripture. As expressed in Romans 12:2, believers are encouraged not to conform to the patterns of the world, and instead go through a transformation by a renewal of our mind. This process has us reflect on our thoughts, actions, and intentions according to Christian teachings, and turning to prayer and scripture for insight and guidance.

Daily Routine Incorporating the Three Steps:

  1. Morning Meditation: Begin the day with a mindfulness meditation to increase awareness of karmic cycles and their impact on thoughts and emotions.

  2. Journaling Exercise at Lunch: Reflect on past behaviors and thought patterns throughout the day to identify recurring themes or triggers. Write down what you have done over the past day and how you've felt. Note your emotions during interactions with others.

  3. Evening Reflection: Before bed, read a spiritual text to compare your thoughts and behaviors with the teachings. Think about any changes that you want to make.

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